
Into the Bubble
Haus der Kunst, Munich, South Gallery
Bianca Artopé, Adidal Abou-Chamat , Eike Berg, Michael von Brentano, Sabine Bretschneider, Lucia Dellefant, Klaus Erika Dietl, Florian Froese-Peeck, Zita Habarta, Karen Irmer, Rupert Jörg, Julia Lohmann, Anna Pasco Bolta, Pfeifer & Kreutzer, Peter Pohl, Alexander Steig, Anissa Tavara, Karolina Vocke, Felix Weinold, Susanne Wiegner, Ngalala Yaba
Timur Dizdar and Stefan Scherer
Artistic positions on the phenomenon of social bubbles and social spheres will be presented. Twenty-one selected artists reflect on the zeitgeist of worldly idylls, encapsulated realities, their fragility and not least the art bubble itself.
Exhibition duration
September 7 to 21, 2024
Opening hours
Mon | Wed | Fri | Sat | Sun 10 am – 8 pm Thu 10 am – 10 pm
Admission € 7.00, reduced € 5
Artist talk//book launch with Wolfgang Ullrich
Karen Irmer – State of Change, Kerber Verlag
september 8, 11am

H2 – Center for Contemporary Art, Augsburg
Benjamin Appel ǀ Olaf Otto Becker ǀ Mauro Bergonzoli ǀ Johanna Diehl ǀ Hamish Fulton ǀ Kathrin Ganser | Anja Güthoff ǀ Karen Irmer ǀ Magdalena Jetelová ǀ Max Kaminski ǀ Per Kirkeby | Christofer Kochs ǀ Beate Passow ǀ Maximilian Prüfer | Christof Rehm ǀ Natalija Ribovic ǀ Michael H. Rohde ǀ Elham Rokni ǀ Norbert Schessl u. a.
Opening: March 2, 2024, 11 a.m.
Introduction: Jürgen K. Enninger, Consultant for Culture, World Heritage and Sport, Dr. Christof Trepesch, Managing Director of the Augsburg Art Collections & Museums, Herbert Scheel, Chairman of the Friends of the Art Collections.
Exhibition duration: March 2, 2024 to June 30, 2024
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, closed on Mondays
Artist talk and presentation of the catalog “State of Change”, Kerber Verlag
june 28, 5pm
H2 – Center for Contemporary Art, Beim Glaspalast 1, Augsburg

Esther Hagenmaier and Karen Irmer
Kunsthaus Atelier Wild
Opening: March 10, 2024, 11 a.m.
Introduction: Katrin Bauer M.A., Assistant Curator, Pinakothek der Moderne
Exhibition duration: March 10 to April 7, 2024 (closed March 28 – April 1, 2024)
Opening hours: Thursday: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. I Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and by appointment
Finissage: April 7, 2024, 3 pm
Kunsthaus Atelier Wild, Wilbrechtstr. 83, Munich
“Karen Irmer’s works are thematically committed to landscape photography, while Esther Hagenmaier’s photographs show details of architecture. Nature and culture – as different as the works of the two artists are in terms of subject matter, the artistic intention behind them is similar. Neither Esther Hagenmaier nor Karen Irmer are interested in depicting reality. For them, external reality is rather the occasion for a preoccupation with perception. By overcoming visual conventions in their works, the artists open up new visual experiences and a more sensitive perception of ambiguities. Reality and illusion can no longer be clearly separated in the works. With their reduced formal language, Karen Irmer’s and Esther Hagenmaier’s works fit perfectly into the minimalist architecture of Atelier Wild.”

Jewellery-Week Munich
Photography: Karen Irmer
opening times: 28.2.-3.3., 11-17h

DG Kunstraum Diskurs Gegenwart
Dazwischensein 1 (Being in between)
Bettina Khano
(space of possibility)
Karen Irmer
Sven Johne
(film program)
Exhibition from January 19 to February 15, 2024
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 6 to 9 pm
Further information:
DG Kunstraum Diskurs Gegenwart
Deutsche Gesellschaft
für christliche Kunst e.V.
Finkenstraße 4, 80333 München

July 28 – January 28, 2024 extended!
Roni Ben Porat ∙ Philipp Goldbach ∙ Monika Huber ∙ Karen Irmer ∙ Kotek ∙ Claire Laude ∙ Zoe Leonard ∙ Richard Prince ∙ Kerstin Skringer ∙ Rosemarie Trockel ∙ Troika ∙ James White
PaintingPhotography examines artistic concepts at the intersection of photography and painting. The blending and overlapping of the two spheres has long since generated transitions that are superficially barely perceptible, and not only on a technical level. The visual portfolios of artistic pictorial invention are increasingly dissolving categorizations based on classical standards in favor of new image forms, in which theoretical reflection, poetry, and new associative spaces are in the process of being created. Dissolution as well as expansion are equally poles that capture and develop the intertwining of photographic and painterly images to a greater extent.
Twelve artists from France, Great Britain, Israel, Germany and the USA present ‘pure’ as well as cross-media works of art from photography, painting and video.
Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg, H2 – ZENTRUM FÜR GEGENWARTSKUNST IM GLASPALAST
Beim Glaspalast 1, Amagasakiallee, 86153 Augsburg,

Berlin | Month of Photography OFF
Illuminations Of Disenchantment
Anja Engelke, Saeed Foroghi, Ingo Gerken, Esther Hagenmaier, Karen Irmer, Katrin Jaquet, Ute Lindner, Anastasia Mityukova
March 3 to April 1, 2023
Fridays, Saturdays 16-19 clock and by appointment 0170-4645016
Opening on Friday, March 3 from 4 p.m.
Artist talk moderated by Jens Pepper on Saturday, March 18 4 p.m.
The exhibition brings together eight artists who explore or transcend the boundaries of the medium of photography and its conventional forms of presentation.
Atelier Jaquet, Langhansstr. 139 13086 Berlin-Weißensee

Annual gifts Kunstverein Munich
December 3 – 11, 2022
The webshop to view the Jahresgaben (not yet available for sale) is now online:
The Jahresgaben will open on Friday, December 2 and will be available for sale on that day exclusively on site from 6pm to 10pm.
From Saturday, December 3, 12 noon, the annual gifts can also be purchased online via our webshop. The exhibition is open daily from noon to 6 p.m. up to and including Sunday, December 11.
Condition for the purchase is the membership in the Kunstverein München. It is also possible to become a member only when purchasing an Jahresgabe. Annual gifts cannot be reserved and can only be purchased from the opening evening.
Please feel free to drop by!

nkd, Nordic Artists Centre Dale, Norway
august to october 2022
Stadtgalerie Klagenfurt
Karen Irmer – dauerhaft flüchtig
15.09.2021.- 7.11.2021
Opening: 14:09.
7 pm
In 2020, the scholarship for artistic photography and electronic media, which is offered annually by the Province of Carinthia in cooperation with the Department of Culture Klagenfurt, went to the German media artist Karen Irmer. Due to Corona, the 5-month working stay in the painter’s studio of the city of Klagenfurt took place only this year.
“My works have no identifiable space or place. If you cannot clearly assign and recognize the things you see, what are you looking at? You observe yourself seeing. Seeing itself becomes the object of observation.”
The artist also devoted herself to the play with perception during her stay in Carinthia. The reflection of one’s own viewing continues to be an integral part of her artistic strategy. In the exhibition, a video work in which only the smallest movements take place is juxtaposed with large-format photographic prints. Depending on the incidence of light, these show a different contrast, which further intensifies the inherent mystical quality.
In this way, it is not the individual appearance as such, but the atmospheric situation that becomes the motif. The result is photographs of poetic beauty that, with their implied ambiguity, do not always allow the viewer to clearly determine their location.
Zweigstelle Berlin
augsburg contemporary
Domestic Space – Fotografie
with Anja Behrens and Kirk Sora
31.01.2021.- 6.3.2021
On the occasion of the exhibition, a portrait of Karen Irmer was published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Due to the current situation, the exhibition is currently only visible through the shop window. However, the video work can be viewed on the project page
>>> Project page: 360° view of Visual Koan
km Kunstverein München
Jahresgaben 2020
4.12.2020 – 16.12.2020
Karen Irmer
der Himmel um mich
photography, 2020